You know, what would we do if life was boring and simple? Having five children, and another one on the way, we don't get any “boring” days. Yesterday was definitely not boring.
We were getting ready to go to the library. My youngest (18mos.) LOVES to be outside, so I got him all ready, and let him out the door. The other kids were outside too, so I figured he was fine. One of the kids got something out of the van and left the door open, so the baby, who *loves* to play in the van, climbed in. His sister got in with him, and played for a little while, then got tired of it, and got out, closing the door.
I'm really not sure how it got locked, but I can only assume that the little imp couldn't keep his hands off of the power lock button. Of course when I tried to get him to UN-lock it, he would only push the button down, not up. I did manage to get him to pull on the front door handle, but he can't quite pull it all the way out, so the lock only lifted a little, and I still couldn't open the door.
I called a neighbor friend of ours whose husband owns a plumbing and heating business, thinking just maybe he would have a Slim Jim. Nope. And none of his employees had one either. I called the troopers whose station is right around the corner, and he said they weren't issued Slim Jim's anymore. Why not?!!? He did come over anyway, just to see what he could do, but he couldn't really do anything. He mentioned that they have had to break a window to get a child out when it was 85 degrees, but it wasn't nearly that hot yesterday, and one of the back windows was open so the baby was getting fresh air.
The baby also handed me a water bottle that I was able to open for him, and we could hand him crackers too. He never got scared or worried; I think he just didn't understand why we were all standing around the car talking to him. Oh, and he found my cell phone and called my SIL! I could see through the window who the call had gone to, so as soon as he closed the phone, I called her on my home phone and explained the situation. She said that if we had to break a window, we should make sure to call a glass repair shop and get an estimate on which window would be cheapest to replace. She said that most people break one that is more expensive to replace. She would know; her father is the manager at a Speedy Glass shop, and she used to work for him! Interesting to know.
Anyway, the trooper suggested we call a tow truck driver, and the closest one was up in Trapper Creek, about 14 miles up the highway. We live out in the boonies, so there are no taxi drivers available, who I have been told are a lot cheaper. I called the tow truck driver who said he would be on his way. In the meantime, the trooper left, since there wasn't anything he could do. He said it had happened to him before too. He was really nice about it.
I called my MIL at work, and she said she knew of a couple of guys in town who had Slim Jims so she tried to get ahold of them, but they were 14 miles away from us a different direction. Finally, the tow truck driver showed up, whipped his Slim Jim together, used some rubber wedges to wedge the door open a crack, put what looked like a blood pressure cuff in the small opening, pumped it up a little to widen the gap, stuck his Slim Jim in the door, pulled the latch up, opened the door, turned to me and said, “That will be $60,” and walked to his truck to put his Slim Jim away. Ouch! I wonder how much a Slim Jim costs….
So, an hour after we had planned to leave for the library, we were finally on our way. That was our little adventure for the day yesterday. The boys thought learning about Slim Jims was pretty neat though!