The baby is doing really well. We are having our 5th boy, and he still
doesn't have a name. 😉 He seems to be really small too. My hips are
doing pretty well this time! Praise God! They are still achy and sore
at times, but don't pop nearly like they did with the last two babies.
He was breech a few weeks ago, but on Wednesday I went in and he has
turned head down. He is still pretty little, so he could move again,
but I am hoping to encourage him to stay that way.
Both of my last two babies came two weeks early, so he may come in the
middle of August. I am planning for him to do so, but not expecting it,
so I will be ready but not too anxious. He is REALLY low (people have
asked if he has dropped already), so I am also planning for a very fast
labor (they usually are pretty fast anyway!). My contractions have
already started, about 5 a day or so. Mine always start 2-4 weeks
before delivery, so when I show up for delivery I am usually at 5cm or
We won't be moving until after the baby is born now. All of *our* plans
have changed. Our church family laughs at us and says we should write a
story about our changes, but we are just trying to figure out our
all-knowing God's plan, so it isn't really our fault! LOL! We are back
to our first plan of moving our house 50 miles onto our own property.
Aren't you excited Janet!!! Don't worry, we will be posting pictures
and maybe even a video clip when it happens! Oh, and as a side note,
one of the bridges that we *have* to go under is only 3 inches taller
than our house will be on one side, and 7 inches taller on the other
side! We will make sure to get that on video!!
Prayer requests would be that we would make the hour drive in time for
delivery, that everything would go smoothly and baby would be healthy,
that the house plans will be finalized soon (dh is hoping to go to the
bank next week to get the construction loan), that all of the
sub-contractors would get their bids back to us soon, and that dh would
be able to be home more often than he has been. (He was gone for four
days this last week, and for most of the month of June.)
I am also a little anxious about this delivery. For some reason, I keep
thinking I should have this one at the hospital. My last three have
been with the midwives at the birthing center with no complications and
I never gave it a second though, but this time I just feel uneasy. My
midwife thinks it is because dh has been gone so much. I just don't
know. I was really looking forward to living in town with this one, and
that won't be happening now, so that may be part of it too. Just please
pray for peace of mind for me.