Math struggles and a plan

Well, I had planned on starting math this month, as that seems to be our biggest area of struggle.  I was feeling at a loss of what to do with them, as it seems to take them FOREVER to finish three pages of math.  Dh and I discussed it and we decided that it would be a good idea to practice their times tables every morning, so from now on, here is what our routine will be for math each day:


Three pages in their workbooks

15 minutes on MathBuilder (a computer math program)

Saying the times tables for three numbers twice daily

Saying the number progression for three numbers twice daily


For example, on Monday's, they will do 2's, 3's, and 4's in MathBuilder, do 2×1, 2×2, 2×3, 2×4 etc., and 2, 4, 6, 8 etc.  Each day of the week will have their designated numbers.  Hopefully doing this will cement it in their minds a little better and will help them do their worksheets more quickly.


That's what we are going to try anyway.  I'll let you know how it goes.

3 thoughts on “Math struggles and a plan

  1. I will blog about this really neat manipulative for Math +,-,x,and division . My boys did alot better in their math facts with these. They are real Neat. God Bless. I hope you stop by some time. In Him,

  2. Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog. I had a friend that lived in Alaska for a while-her husband is in the Air Force. They moved a couple of months ago.

    I like your blog it looks nice. I would like a different background, but I have so much work into the rest of it. Maybe one day when I have more time to sit and work on it.

    Oh, have your tried TimesTales there is a link at She’s on my friend list and co-owner of Times Tales. I’ve heard great things.

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