M’s accomplishments!

My youngest, M, will be 8 months old on the 30th.  He is such a fun baby!  He has been on the fussy side lately, but I think he is teething, as he has yet to cut a tooth!


He can get up on his hands and knees, but he can't seem to figure out where to go from there, so he just army crawls.  He slithers all over the floor.  Ugh, his clothes are *so* dirty by the end of the day.  He is my little dust mop!


He has figured out how to pull up on things though!  This morning, I set him on the floor next to my bed to play while I dozed for a few more minutes, and I heard him say, “Buuuh!”  I opened my eyes, and he was standing next to me holding onto the laundry basket!  He was so proud of himself!


His favorite place to crawl is through the bottom of the coffee table!  Everytime he is in the livingroom, it goes out of his way to crawl through it.  I will have to post a picture of him doing it.

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