N was such a trooper at her test on Friday! Daddy and I were so proud of her. Dh said she didn't even flinch when they put the needle in her arm, and only flinched a little when they took it out. Dh took N into the test room while I sat in the waiting room with the four boys. I went in to check on N a few times, and she was laying on the table, stock still. They didn't want her to move for 30 minutes, and she knew it. She would hardly even smile at me! Dh read Highlighs magazines to her from the waiting room. Oh, and she didn't have to undress or void on the table! Yea!
As soon as we got out of the building, she cheered right up, and was bragging a little about what a brave girl she was…
On the way home that night though, out of the blue, she did say, “Mom, I like Dr. Y better. He only does things that don't hurt.” Dr. Y is her regular MD that helps me out when she gets UTI's. So, she had obviously been thinking about it.
I will make sure I post when we get results.