“Teaching” the littles

Electronic games are good for something!

The kids and I were sitting around last night watching the lightning storm, and 3yo N. was getting awfully nervous, hiding her face whenever she saw streaks of light.  I was telling her that the Bible tells us not to worry, and that God is in control of all things.  I. chimed in, “Right, just like when we play on the XBox and we control our guys, right Mom?”

Pretty good analogy for a 5yo, eh? LOL!

“You get sick?”

I was to ask my 3yo daughter to settle down earlier, as I have an extremely nasty cold, including a throbbing headache.  I explained to her that mommy was sick, and it hurts my head when she was noisy.

She looked at me incredulously and said, “YOU get SICK?!?”

I just looked at her and smiled, and said, “Yes, I do, but it doesn't happen very often, does it?”

“Nope.” she said matter-of-factly, and away she flitted.

N’s test

N was such a trooper at her test on Friday!  Daddy and I were so proud of her.  Dh said she didn't even flinch when they put the needle in her arm, and only flinched a little when they took it out.  Dh took N into the test room while I sat in the waiting room with the four boys.  I went in to check on N a few times, and she was laying on the table, stock still.  They didn't want her to move for 30 minutes, and she knew it.  She would hardly even smile at me!  Dh read Highlighs magazines to her from the waiting room.  Oh, and she didn't have to undress or void on the table!  Yea!

As soon as we got out of the building, she cheered right up, and was bragging a little about what a brave girl she was…  On the way home that night though, out of the blue, she did say, “Mom, I like Dr. Y better.  He only does things that don't hurt.”  Dr. Y is her regular MD that helps me out when she gets UTI's.  So, she had obviously been thinking about it.

I will make sure I post when we get results.

Trying for N’s test again

Well, we are heading into town in the morning to try once again to get N's Nuclear Renal Scan done.  Please pray for comfort for her.  The test is scheduled to start at 11am.  I believe the test will last for an hour.  She has to lay still on a table, have an IV, and if I remember correctly, she has to void on the table.  She will need a lot of prayer tomorrow.  Please lift her up, and Mommy and Daddy too if you will!

“New” dresses for N

My “mother-in-love” brought over some dresses for N today that dh's sister K used to wear!  K is now 19 years old, but my MIL had saved these dresses in a cedar chest, and they even survived the fire that destroyed my in-laws home several years ago!  The dress that K wore to my wedding was in there too, but it is still way too big for N.  There are 10 dresses in all! 

A few of them are a bit big on her, and some of them are not really the kind of style I have been encouraging, but I am certainly not complaining!  I also just bought two dresses on Ebay for her and those came in the mail too, so now she is really set for clothes!  Praise God!

N’s test date changed

Well, the plan for today *was* to take N in for her Nuclear Renal Scan, but she woke up complaining about her tummy hurting.  I thought she must have to go to the bathroom or eat, so she went potty and had a bowel movement, but it didn't completely go away.  I sat her up to the table with some breakfast and went back to my room to get myself ready for the day, when I heard her come crying down the hallway.  I asked her what was wrong, and she just cried out, “I have to throw up!”  To the bathroom we went, and sure enough, she did.  She hadn't eaten anything yet, so it was just phlem, but I called and changed her appointment to Friday the 3rd of June, the day dh flies to Orlando for his business trip.

I guess I have time to clean up from our camping trip now!

Breastfeeding thoughts

I just read an article on breastfeeding that is extremely interesting (Thanks Kim!).  I have almost always let my babies “schedule” and wean themselves, but found many of the findings brought forth in this article very enlightening.

I am not sure I agree with the pacifier idea, as I have two boys (the oldest and youngest at this writing) who insisted on having pacifiers, as their need to suck constantly was (is) manifest.  My oldest was born with blisters on his hands from sucking in utero and he still sucks on his fingers!  I guess that goes along with the premise that all babies are different though, and I can definitely see how the pacifier could be abused.


Speaking of breastfeeding, someone is calling me…

N’s update

N is scheduled for a Nuclear Renal Scan on Tuesday, May 31, 2005, at 11am.  Please pray for her comfort as she indures this very uncomfortable test.  Dh will be going with me, which is a huge blessing to me, as he and N have such a wonderful relationship, and he is much more patient, understanding, and comforting to her.  I get irritated at her too easily, and her whining really gets on my nerves.  Daddy is also good at distracting her, which will be definitely needed for this test.  I praise God that He gave such a good daddy to my children.