M is finally adding to his collection of teeth! He has had just four on top and two on the bottom for so long. For the last month, he has been having three nasty diapers a day, been really fussy, not sleeping well, started biting and drooling excessively, among other things. I kept checking for a tooth to no avail. It finally all made sense when I saw a little tooth peeking through the gums on the bottom. It looks like there might be one on the other side trying to come in as well.
I, on the other hand, has his first loose tooth! I remember him lamenting the fact that he hadn't had a loose tooth yet last fall, but now, you would think he would be excited. Not so…he says it hurts, and makes it hard for him to eat. He is learning to eat with the side of his mouth though. It is really loose though, and when I wiggle it, I can hear it scraping on the tooth underneath, so I don't think it is long for this world!