I get a lot of questions about what kind of chiropractor I recommend for kids with Down syndrome. I am COMPLETELY sold on this method: Sacro Occipital Technic and Chiropractic Craniopathy. Unfortunately, our *favorite* chiropractor is in Anchorage, about 1.25 hours away, so we also utilize a local gal whom I started seeing when I was pregnant with one of the younger boys. Dr. Stacey Lowe gets most of us through, but I still take Seth to Dr. Risch several times a year.

My first experience with Dr. William Risch was when my 2nd born was 7 months old. Aaron’s headplates were not aligned, he wasn’t rolling over OR crawling, and was very crabby, so our then pediatrician, Dr. Caeton, recommended Dr. Risch. We went to Dr. Risch three times the first week, followed all of the exercises that he recommended, and on Saturday, he started rolling over AND crawling!! I was SOLD on baby chiropractic after that!
When Seth was born with Ds, Dr. Stacey came and adjusted him AT OUR HOME! She was able to help me get him to nurse, as his jaw was pretty locked up. We took him to Dr. Stacey for most of his first year, but when he was about 9 months old, I finally took him to Dr. Risch because Dr. Stacey wasn’t familiar with adjusting his palate, and Seth was really struggling with constipation, so I wanted him to see my favorite chiro.
It was AMAZING! After the first couple of visits, Seth’s nose bridge started forming! He had almost none at all, and then, THERE IT WAS! It was truly amazing!
Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend a chiropractor for your infants!!