Just bought this book a couple of weeks ago. It looks like it will be a good reference book for oils. It refers to doTerra products, but you can easily figure out which oils work best from other essential oil companies as well. I wanted to have a reference that wasn’t online too, so if the power is out or there is an emergency out of range, I can still look things up. Being reliant on the internet is not ideal when it comes to medical issues!
Author Archives: Grace Mischenko
Are we done yet?
Good blog post….In Defense of our 5th Child. My favorite part is at the end:
“My four year-old said it best, “Can we have as many kids as the Duggars?”
Umm… maybe not that many.”
Chiropractor recommendation
I get a lot of questions about what kind of chiropractor I recommend for kids with Down syndrome. I am COMPLETELY sold on this method: Sacro Occipital Technic and Chiropractic Craniopathy. Unfortunately, our *favorite* chiropractor is in Anchorage, about 1.25 hours away, so we also utilize a local gal whom I started seeing when I was pregnant with one of the younger boys. Dr. Stacey Lowe gets most of us through, but I still take Seth to Dr. Risch several times a year.
My first experience with Dr. William Risch was when my 2nd born was 7 months old. Aaron’s headplates were not aligned, he wasn’t rolling over OR crawling, and was very crabby, so our then pediatrician, Dr. Caeton, recommended Dr. Risch. We went to Dr. Risch three times the first week, followed all of the exercises that he recommended, and on Saturday, he started rolling over AND crawling!! I was SOLD on baby chiropractic after that!
When Seth was born with Ds, Dr. Stacey came and adjusted him AT OUR HOME! She was able to help me get him to nurse, as his jaw was pretty locked up. We took him to Dr. Stacey for most of his first year, but when he was about 9 months old, I finally took him to Dr. Risch because Dr. Stacey wasn’t familiar with adjusting his palate, and Seth was really struggling with constipation, so I wanted him to see my favorite chiro.
It was AMAZING! After the first couple of visits, Seth’s nose bridge started forming! He had almost none at all, and then, THERE IT WAS! It was truly amazing!
Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend a chiropractor for your infants!!
My favorite essential oils resource!
Heritage Essential Oils is by far my favorite resource for essential oils. The gal that runs it, Linda, is a Christian homeschooling mama with a daughter who has Ds. She has graciously posted here what she uses for her daughter, in an effort to help those of us who have children with Down syndrome. Her oils are VERY high quality, the prices are reasonable, and shipping is VERY fast! If I order on Monday, it is in my mailbox in ALASKA on Friday!
I would recommend buying the travel kit first! For $75 you get 16 trial size oils you can try as well as a nice carrying case. I refill the little bottles and keep the kit in the diaper bag! We almost ALWAYS wind up using it. Along with that, I recommend purchasing a big bottle (as big as you can afford) of peppermint AND lavender. We use those the most. I also recommend buying a nice Whisper diffuser when you can fit it into your budget.
Update on Timmy’s earache
Well, when he woke up, he wanted more of the drops and coconut oil/lavender. His jaw was hurting now. So, I fixed him up again, heated the rice bag again, and after 20-30 minutes, he was ready to go to our Good Friday service! He was happy and jabbering all evening…this, just a few hours after a very sad, crying, “I’m miserable, Mom!” little boy came to me! I thought I would be staying home with him!
I *love* using oils!
Earache remedies challenge
So, Timmy came home from my in-laws with an earache. I broke out the essential oils in an effort to thwart said earache. Here is what I used:
- Peppermint
- Ancient Defense
- Mixed 2Tbsp. of Coconut oil with a couple of drops of Lavender
He says the coconut oil and Lavender works best.
I also put three drops of Similasan Earache Relief in his ear. It has Chamomilla 10X, Mercurius solubilis 15X, and Sulphur 12X in it. I think I bought that at All About Herbs in Wasilla or you can click on the link and order it from Amazon.
I also heated up the rice pack and put it on his ear that was hurting. He’s finally asleep after **SEVERAL** applications.
Teaching babies with Ds to climb stairs
I can’t say how much I enjoy reading Noahsdad.com! This latest link is on teaching our kiddos to climb stairs. Although I admit there are times that I am sad that Seth isn’t as far as Noah at his age, I look at how far *he’s come* in the last few months!! He’s getting it!!
Now, for an update on Seth, he can now drink from a straw (!!), get up on his hands and knees and lunge forward, AND he is army crawling *over* 110 feet DAILY!! THAT is not including all of the roaming around on his own that he does, just playing on the floor. He is also eating table food, loves ground beef and rice, and will self-feed if it is enticing enough.
We are getting ready to enjoy our Resurrection weekend, starting with Good Friday and our church’s Tenebrae service. I’ll be sure to post pictures of Seth(and the other kiddos) at both services.
Naturally dyeing eggs!
“Why I Would Never Use Chemo for Cancer”
An interesting blog post about the use of chemo for cancer.
Here’s an excerpt:
“#1 The oncologists don’t use chemo
Did you know that the Journal of American Medical Association reported that in 2001 the average oncologist made a 75% or 253, 000 dollars profit on chemotherapy drugs administered in his office? It is interesting to note that according to Los Angeles Times and the McGill Cancer Center in Montreal, a survey of oncologists showed that 75% to 91% of the oncologists would not use chemotherapy as a treatment for their families or themselves. They said chemotherapy is not effective and it is too toxic. At the same time 75% of cancer patients are told to take chemo by their oncologists. (Natural News)
So I’m supposed to use chemo if I’m diagnosed with cancer while most oncologists don’t? Hm, I don’t think so.
Cancer is at least a 100 billion industry and the chemotherapy part of it was 8,5 billion dollars back in 1995. That’s a lot of money to lose if they would confirm a cure for cancer.”
Glutathione – Master of Antioxidants
One of newest research projects, since Seth has depleted glutathione since his extra chromosome depletes it in his system.